BIOGRAPHY (Source : www.cindy.com) Cindy Crawford has appeared on over 400 magazine covers across the globe, making her one of the most recognizable faces in the world. She has numerous film and television credits and is the author of Cindy Crawford's Basic Face (Broadway Books), a make-up workbook published by Broadway Books. Cindy made a smooth transition from the world of fashion into the arena of broadcast journalism with MTV's acclaimed "House of Style," which she hosted for six years. In 1995, she hosted her first special for the network, which included behind- the-scenes looks at everything from Melrose Place to the White House. Two years later, she returned to MTV as a featured correspondent and guest-hosted numerous talk shows, including Regis & Kathie Lee and NBC's Later. Currently, she is developing projects exclusively with ABC Television, the first of which was the highly successful Sex with Cindy Crawford. Cindy is also an acclaimed producer, having been the driving force behind her successful Cindy Crawford/Shape Your Body workout, which she developed with renowned trainer Radu. The video has sold over 2 million copies in the United States alone; its popularity led to a follow- up, The Next Challenge, which has been equally as successful as its predecessor. Among Cindy's many other credits are Fair Game, a feature film in which she starred opposite William Baldwin; Muppets Tonight, which she guest-hosted; and numerous specials for Fox-TV. Born and raised in DeKalb, Illinois, Cindy was one of the finalists in Elite Model Management's Look of the Year competition (1983). In the past fifteen years, she has become one of the most successful models of all time. She donates a great deal of time and energy to the Leukemia Society of America, in memory of her brother, who died at age four from the blood disorder. She also is a supporter of breast cancer research, both on her own and through Revlon, the cosmetics company for which she is an international spokesperson. Cindy commutes between New York and Los Angeles, although she spends more time on the East Coast these days: she recently married entrepreneur Rande Gerber in a private beachfront ceremony.

16 Things You'd Be Surprised to Know About Cindy Crawford (Source : www.toppics4u.com) Don't hate her because she's beautiful. Cindy Crawford's a role model. In many ways, she's just like you and I if we had our own exercise videos, swimsuit calendars, MTV segments and Revlon deals. Of course, there are many ways where Cindy is like no one. She works out an estimated 242.5 hours a year with 60.5 of those hours on the StairMaster alone. Okay, she does spend 330 hours a year on airplanes. And she will forever have to deal with Stupid Mole Jokes. "I think my mole is going to have its own talk show soon," says Cindy. Cindy's booming career now includes a movie role in Fair Game, which marked her acting. And it was on this movie set that Cindy got the kind of razzing that women have been putting up with for ages. Some guy dared to tell Cindy she was fat. Well, not exactly fat. "I was jogging and a prop guy named Jerry said to me, 'I know how you could get into really good shape,'"she wrote in Premiere. "So being a typical woman, I took this to mean I must not be in good shape. So I told Jerry's boss he called me fat. The Mike told Jerry he wasn't allowed to talk to me, or he was only allowed to say, 'Yes, no and thank you.'" Cindy went one better. "I told him he had to write a hundred times: DO NOT CALL CINDY FAT as punishment." Who'd have thought Cindy might have body image problems like the rest of us? Well, there's probably even more things you didn't know about Cindy Crawford, so we'd like to clue you in... 1. She grocery shops. Being a supermodel who earns $15 million a year doesn't mean Cindy's life a cinch. In Miami, where Fair Game was shot, she was often seen pushing a shopping cart. Since her sister was living with her while on location, Cindy wanted to have everything perfect. "So I'd shop and then make dinner. When my sister came home, I'd yell, 'Hi honey, here's your dinner.' She'd say, 'You're such a good wife!'" Cindy wrote in Premiere. 2. She's insecure about her acting talents. Concerning her film debut, she reportedly admitted, "My ego's going to take a lot of s--- no matter what. Fair Game isn't the kind of movie critics like. I read something that said, 'If you're going to cast a movie with a young, intelligent lawyer, Cindy Crawford would be your first choice, right?'" 3. She's no wimp. Cindy proudly discussed her unattractive contusions, abrasions, cuts and bruises she suffered for Fair Game. How'd she get them? "I jumped on a moving train," says Cindy, who did some of her own stunts. 4. She eats. If one reads a few Cindy Crawford stories, the amazing linking factor is that she's always eating. Bad stuff. Things with fat grams in the double digits. Let's see, one article it's hot chocolate on the set. Another day it's creme brulee. Then there's Cindy chowing down on Mexican food. 5. She longs to be ordinary. "I don't want to have to be beautiful all the time. I want to be able to look cruddy in my weekend sweats, with a pimple on my face and pimple cream on top of that pimple," says Cindy. "When I go out, I just wear a ponytail and no makeup. People will say, 'You look like that supermodel.' And I say. 'Oh, really?'" 6. She's not materialistic. The best gift Cindy reportedly ever got--from her ex-husband Richard Gere--wasn't diamonds or a 100 acre ranch. "My favorite gift was a back rub," she says. 7. She's not an airhead. Cindy's smart. She was a straight A+ high school student, the valedictorian of her class and got a scholarship to study chemical engineering at Northwestern (though she didn't finish). 8. She's a workaholic. She has 13-hour days. One day she's in LA; the next in Hong Kong for 10 hours; the next in Florida. And she's known to work out daily for 20 minutes on her Stairmaster. Then she goes another hour on machines and free weights. And despite all the great invites she gets, Cindy goes to bed by 11. 9. She gets nervous around famous people. Still. "I was scared to meet Madonna. I was at a dinner party in Miami when I met her. She was very intimidating to talk to or at least I thought she'd be. It was actually fine. And once I was at a dinner party and Gregory Peck was at the next table. I was staring at him. Finally he comes over to my table to meet everyone and says, 'Oh, it's you.' He knew I'd been staring at him," she told Jay Leno on The Tonight Show. 10. She's a softie. On the set of Fair Game, she slept in a good luck quilt her grandmother gave her when she went to college. She also brought along her teddy bear with the missing fur and ear half torn off. 11. She hates love scenes. "It's weird enough to kiss someone you're getting into a relationship with for the first time because each person kisses differently. And it's really weird when 20 other people are watching." she has said of the clinches in Fair Game, which she describes as "tender, not hot sex." 12. She had childhood traumas. Cindy grew up in the farm town of DeKalb, Illinois, where she worked summers picking corn. Her brother died of leukemia when he was 4, and her parents divorced in her teens. She worked extra hard to make up for the tragedies, pushing to get the highest A's in the class and graduate first. 13. She's 30. "You always think," Cindy said in Harper's Bazaar, "'my life's going to start when I get a real job, or when I have a family, or whatever,' and all of a sudden, you're 30 and you realize, 'Oh my God, my life started 30 years ago--why didn't somebody tell me?'" 14. She didn't divorce Richard because he's gay. The tabloids may have reported otherwise, but Cindy has publicly denied it. But nonetheless, it seems she didn't have the most romantic marriage. Cindy reportedly married Richard Gere at the Little Church of the West in Las Vegas, where they slipped on Reynolds Wrap rings that Cindy made. After a midnight toast at the local Denny's, they got on a predawn flight to LA. But what broke them up? Cindy has said: "The main thing was that we didn't spend enough time together. And we're equally responsible for that.: But she does admit in Harper's Bazaar, "Love has to be active, and it has to be in [the other person's] language. Like, if it means something to me to get flowers, then even if you don't think it's a big deal, send them--it doesn't have to mean something to you. Richard was like, 'Sending flowers is not an intimate thing with me.' And I was like, 'Well it is with me.'" 15. She's approachable. She poses for pictures with adoring fans. She fluffs up her hair and wears the clothes that her fans want. "When I wear my hair up in a bun, people write letters and complain," she sighs. And recently, at her high school reunion in DeKalb, she wandered into a local bar with a friend. The local newspaper was having a staff party the same night, but soon it became a Cindy feeding frenzy. So she walked up to some of the reporters and offered them a deal. "I'll play pool with you if you don't write about me," she said. "Deal," they said. "I woke up the net morning thinking it was a dream," said one reporter. 16. She has a work ethic. She learned this from Chicago photographer Victor Skrebneski, who discovered Cindy while she was at Northwestern. The rules: Work hard, sit up straight, be on time, never complain. But then again, what does the beautiful supermodel have to complain about?